Shubh Ashubh Sanket Shakun Shastra These Creatures In The House Bring Good Luck

Shubh Ashubh Sanket Shakun Shastra These Creatures In The House Bring Good Luck

Shakun Shastra: From trees and plants to animals, special importance has been considered in Shakun Shastra. According to this, every living being gives an indication of something or the other. The appearance of some is considered very auspicious while some give inauspicious results. It is considered very good to see some creatures in the house. It is believed that it brings good news for the people living in the house. Let us know that the appearance of things in the house becomes auspicious.

lizard sighting

In Shakun Shastra, it is considered good to see three lizards together in the house. Seeing lizards brings happiness and prosperity in the house and the members of the house progress. If the lizard keeps sticking to the wall, it means that some good news is going to be received soon. A lizard crawling on the ground indicates monetary gain.

swarm of black ants

According to Shakun Shastra, if suddenly black ants start appearing in the house, then understand that your troubled days are about to end. The appearance of black ants is considered to be the beginning of good days. Black ants are the form of Goddess Lakshmi. Their appearance indicates the removal of financial difficulties. Black ants bring happiness and prosperity in the house.

bird watching

It is considered auspicious to see a bird in the courtyard of the house. It is believed that birds bring prosperity with them. Birds are considered a symbol of peace, harmony and opulence. If birds come to your terrace or balcony early in the morning and start chirping, then the whole day passes well. It indicates that you are going to get some auspicious opportunity soon.

parrot coming

According to Shakun Shastra, it is very auspicious to have a parrot in the house. Parrot is believed to be related to Lord Kuber. If a parrot comes in the house, it brings happiness and prosperity in the house. The parrot brings with it good news.

arrival of butterfly
If a butterfly comes flying to your house, it brings its good news. If the wings of a butterfly are colored then it is believed that some good news related to love life is going to be received. On the other hand, the appearance of a black butterfly means that you are going to get some good news in your career or business.

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